Riley School celebrated multicultural week with so many fun activities! Please enjoy the lovely slideshow (with the link below) showcasing our amazing activities.
about 1 year ago, Carly Ashnault
Riley School Multicultural Week
John E. Riley Elementary School is proud to honor the amazing teachers and staff that work here for Teacher Appreciation Week! Our staff are on display in the Riley Hall of Fame and students are able to write kind words and compliments for them as they pass by. Our teachers go above and beyond and we wanted to showcase how awesome they are. Thank you Riley Teachers and Staff, Happy Teachers Appreciation Week!
about 1 year ago, Carly Ashnault
Teacher Appreciation Display
Teacher Appreciation Display
Teacher Appreciation Display
Riley School Presents our 3rd Annual Multicultural Week! Each year Riley students and staff work together to learn about and display the different cultures and ethnicities of Riley School. All week we will be doing different activities and displaying them around the school building. Monday: We will have guest readers come in and read multicultural stories to our students. Our Student also have created their own multicultural dolls that are displayed in our hallway. Tuesday: Our students will have a show and tell session in their classrooms to showcase objects and artifacts they have brought in that represent their families heritage. We also have a staff cookbook that was created. You can access it digitally here: Wednesday: Dress like a tourist day! Our teachers and students have been hard at work learning about different countries and creating door displays to represent all they learned! Students will be able to walk around door to door and 'tour the world'. Thursday: Diversity Circus Assembly! Students will be able to learn the importance of accepting differences and embracing their uniqueness in our fun assembly. Classroom teachers have also been preparing a class puzzle piece to add to our "pieces of Riley" puzzle board on display in the hallway. Friday: Parent volunteers have donated their time and expertise to teach our students about different cultures and heritages. These parents will have booths set up that our students will be able to visit throughout the day with their classroom teacher. We are so excited for our students to experience all the fun and wonder here at Riley School. Special thank you to the PTSO for providing the dolls for our students, Mrs. DuPiche for coordinating our events, Mrs. Hutchison for planning and preparation, and to all of our staff and students for the wonderful work that went into the participation activities!
about 1 year ago, Carly Ashnault
Door Decoration
Door Decoration
Multicultural Dolls made by students
Class Puzzle Pieces
CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR VERY OWN MR. GASPARI! Riley School's very own Mr. G (coach G) has completed an undefeated season with the high school golf team AND was named coach of the year! Big congratulations to Mr. Gaspari, we are so proud of you!
about 1 year ago, Carly Ashnault
Undefeated High School Golf Team led by Riley Teacher Mr. Gaspari!
about 1 year ago, Riley Elementary School
Hello Riley Family!! Next month marks the South Plainfield School District's 2nd Annual Day of Service! Please take a moment to watch and enjoy the two commercials Riley's students and staff created for the Day of Service. Riley's School Day of Service Commercial​ Riley's School Day of Service "Be The Light" Commercial
about 1 year ago, Riley Elementary School
South Plainfield School District's 2nd Annual Day of Service 2023
Riley School "Be The Light" & Make A Difference
Riley School's Day of Service Commercials
Calling all 4th Grade Parents! The South Plainfield School District is hosting a parent presentation. This presentation will be hosted by 3 of your in-district counselors. The presentation will focus on tips and tricks to help your child succeed in the transition from 4th to 5th grade. The presentation will also feature tips and tricks for students transitioning from 6th grade to 7th grade. This event will be held on Tuesday, May 9th at 6:30pm on zoom. Please register below to join us!
about 1 year ago, Carly Ashnault
Happy Asian American and Pacific Islander American Heritage Month!
about 1 year ago, Riley Elementary School
May is Asian American and Pacific Islander American Heritage Month
IT IS THAT TIME OF THE YEAR!THE SOUTH PLAINFIELD 2ND ANNUAL CHARITY SOFTBALL GAME TICKETS ARE NOW ON SALE! Please make a copy or print the order form below to submit and place your orders today!
about 1 year ago, Riley Elementary School
2023 Day of Service Charity Softball Game Order Form
Don't Forget to Order Your Charity Softball Tickets!
Order Your Tickets Today!
Please see Riley Elementary School May 2023 Calendar of Events.
about 1 year ago, Riley Elementary School
Riley School May 2023 Calendar of Events
It's that time of the year for the South Plainfield School District 2nd Annual Day of Service! The Day of Service T-Shirts are on sale now! Please read Dr. Tansey's letter and place your orders.
over 1 year ago, Riley Elementary School
South Plainfield School District 2nd Annual Day of Service T-Shirt Information
South Plainfield 2nd Annual Day of Service T-Shirt Sale!
Happy Easter !
over 1 year ago, Riley Elementary School
Happy Easter!
Be safe and enjoy your Spring Break!
over 1 year ago, Riley Elementary School
Be safe and enjoy your Spring Break!
Happy Theravada New Year!
over 1 year ago, Riley Elementary School
Happy Theravada New Year! From the Riley Family!
From the Riley Elementary Family to yours,
over 1 year ago, Riley Elementary School
Happy Passover!
April is National Deaf History Awareness Month
over 1 year ago, Riley Elementary School
National Deaf History Awareness Month
Happy Scottish American Heritage Month!
over 1 year ago, Riley Elementary School
Happy Scottish American Heritage Month!
Happy Arab American Heritage Month!
over 1 year ago, Riley Elementary School
Happy Arab American Heritage Month!
April is Autism Acceptance Awareness Month!
over 1 year ago, Riley Elementary School
April is National Autism Acceptance Awareness Month
Riley April Calendar 2023 Please print and post in your home.
over 1 year ago, Riley Elementary School
Riley School April Calendar 2023