John E. Riley celebrated a wonderful career day today to learn more about career development. Our students got to participate in hands on experiences and asked amazing questions for our presenters. Thank you to our school counselor, Mrs. Hutchison, and principal Mrs. DuPiche for organizing the whole activity to reinforce our career development curriculum. Thank you to our amazing presenters: Tanya Watson Isabel Rosales Juana Sanchez Claudette Neysmith Lisette Rollins Gary Rollins Troy McNair & Tyree Cooper Digna Sosa Jennifer Grajko John Butrico Holly LaFerrera & The South Plainfield EMS Thalia Lopez
over 1 year ago, Carly Ashnault
Riley School Career Day Presenters.
South Plainfield EMS at Riley School Career Day
Riley School Career Day Presenters.
Riley School Career Day Presenters.
Here at John E. Riley we encourage our students to be great inside and outside of school. Our very own first grader, Shawn Imbimbo showed his talent this weekend. Shawn wrestled at the state qualifiers in Wanaque. He took home first place and is headed to Trenton for the state tournament. He is one of the top 27 in the state! We are so proud of you Shawn and good luck at States!
over 1 year ago, Carly Ashnault
Shawn Imbimbo
What a very special week our students created in honor of our School Counselor Mrs. Hutchison. These are just some of the amazing gestures of kindness that were done throughout the whole week. Mrs. Hutchison received an outpouring of love from her students and staff for all the hard work and support she provides for them. You should see all of the posters the students made in their classrooms! As we say - it is always a beautiful day at Riley School!
over 1 year ago, Carly Ashnault
Jake Greenstein and Mrs. Hutchison
Hunter LaFerrera and Mrs. Hutchison
Mrs. McNamee's Class & Mrs. Hutchison
Lucas Reinhold and Mrs. Hutchison
CONGRATULATIONS SHAWN IMBIMBO!!!! Congratulations to our very own 1st Grader, SHAWN IMBIMBO! Shawn took First Place at the NJ State Qualifiers in Wanaque. Shawn is headed to Trenton for the State Tournament. He is one of the top 27 in the state!!! WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU SHAWN!!😊
over 1 year ago, Riley Elementary School
Shawn Imbimbo takes First Place!
Riley School Wingman Leaders have been working with all of our students in grades pre-k to 4th grade and teaching them about teamwork and sharing. We have been doing an activity called the Handshake Mingle. Students were encouraged to interact with new friends to practice safe handshakes and ways to greet a new friend!
over 1 year ago, Carly Ashnault
Wingman Leader Blake Richkus running the handshake mingle
Wingman Leader Jayden Brown running the handshake mingle
Wingman Leader Emily Santonastaso running the handshake mingle
Wingman Leaders Alina, Katelyn, Lacey, Max and Isaiah running the handshake mingle
Happy Groundhog Day 2023!!!!
over 1 year ago, Riley Elementary School
John E. Riley celebrated the end of The Great Kindness Challenge with an amazing assembly called the Prismatic Laser Light Anti-Bullying Show! Our students learned different sign language symbols that represented trust, respect, inspiration, help and doing the right thing. We practiced how to say no to bullying and what to do if we needed help in a bullying situation. Our students had a great time singing and dancing along with this fun educational assembly.
over 1 year ago, Carly Ashnault
Prismatic Laser Light Anti-Bullying Show!
Prismatic Laser Light Anti-Bullying Show!
Prismatic Laser Light Anti-Bullying Show!
Ms. Zultowski's 2nd grade class participated in The Great Kindness Challenge Book Swap! Students brought in books to swap with classmates, and each classmate got to take a new book home to enjoy. We are so excited to promote reading, kindness and generosity at Riley School.
over 1 year ago, Carly Ashnault
Ms. Zultowski's 2nd grade class participating in our kindness challenge book swap!
Ms. Zultowski's 2nd grade class participating in our kindness challenge book swap!
Ms. Zultowski's 2nd grade class participating in our kindness challenge book swap!
Ms. Zultowski's 2nd grade class participating in our kindness challenge book swap!
The Great Kindness Challenge is underway! Our community has been getting involved in donating items for our book swap and to beautify our school. A special thank you to Mr. Dan Rinaldi from CKA in South Plainfield for the generous donations of books for our book swap. We appreciate our community and all they do to make JER a special place!
over 1 year ago, Carly Ashnault
Book donation by Mr. Dan Rinaldi from CKA in South Plainfield.
Kindness heart by our 4th grade students Alina Oliveri and Addison Sanchez
Kindness heart by our 4th grade students Alina Oliveri and Addison Sanchez
This week at Riley School is The Great Kindness Challenge! The Great Kindness Challenge is a positive and uplifting program that creates a culture of kindness in schools, communities and the world. Using a kindness checklist, students and families are challenged to complete as many acts of kindness as possible. At Riley School, we have been participating in a spirit week, a book swap, secret kindness challenges, and much more! We are so proud of our students and the way they have stepped up to show kindness.
over 1 year ago, Carly Ashnault
spirit week
bucket filling
kindness messages displayed around school
secret kindness hearts shared with teachers by students
This week during The Great Kindness Challenge our students at Riley School have been learning all about kindness, and how it impacts those around us. Ms. Renna's pre-school class learned all about bucket filling, and have been doing kind acts to fill their buckets!
over 1 year ago, Carly Ashnault
Ms. Renna's pre-school classroom working on bucket filling.
Ms. Renna's pre-school classroom working on bucket filling.
Ms. Renna's pre-school classroom working on bucket filling.
Ms. Renna's pre-school classroom working on bucket filling.
Congratulations to our January Students of the Month! John E. Riley students are selected monthly by their teachers for student of the month. A student of the month is selected based on the character traits they are displaying inside and outside of the classroom. The month of January was all about Kindness, and our students of the month spent the entire month demonstrating why they are Kindness representatives. Great job to our students of the month! Camille Budhan Lacey Fego Mason Mejia Alani Tinsley Rooney Hunter Brad Munroe Anaya Bal Lincoln Fyffe Ryan Wilkinson Yasmin Ruiz-Marroquin Chase Mingo Elina Chen Myles Gnoza Malia Wright Alivia Cerami Abigail Luo Jamar Baker Daniela Garrido Amelia Ulacia Christian Marsh
over 1 year ago, Carly Ashnault
January Students of the Month 2023
Good afternoon Riley Families! Happy New Year! Please see the revised January 2023 Calendar below. A hard copy will be sent home today, Wednesday, January 4, 2023. Thank you. Mrs. DuPiche
over 1 year ago, Riley Elementary School
Newly revised Riley January Calendar 2023
over 1 year ago, Riley Elementary School
Good evening Riley Family, This Friday the PTSO is sponsoring the Winter Holiday Festival. Any parents who would like to volunteer to help out please sign up by clicking on the link below. We thank you in advance for your continued support and participation!
over 1 year ago, Riley Elementary School
The Riley's Student Council is sponsoring the "Holiday PJ Day" Fundraiser. Each student and staff member will pay $3 to wear holiday themed pjs.
over 1 year ago, Riley Elementary School
Riley's Student Council sponsored "CRAZY HAIR DAY". Enjoy the pictures of these crazy hairstyles.
over 1 year ago, Riley Elementary School
Riley's Crazy Hair Day!
Hello Riley Family, The winter season is near and the snowy weather is soon to be here. In the event of an emergency school closing, a delayed opening, or an early dismissal due to inclement weather, it is crucial that you review the "Home and School" procedures with your child. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to ensure that all emergency contacts and pick-up information is updated on Genesis and your childcare arrangements are in place. Upon an early dismissal due to inclement weather it is imperative that someone is available to pick up your child at the prescribed time. Please read and review the information on the "South Plainfield School District Emergency School Closing" document for detail information, procedures and resources including emergency closing notifications and protocols. Please post and save this information going forward during this winter season. Be safe and always continue to be great and kind. Mrs. T. Grier-DuPiche Principal
over 1 year ago, Riley Elementary School
South Plainfield School District Emergency Closing Information
​Let's give Mrs. Jessica Butrico and Mrs. Brittany Scott a grand applause for receiving tenure status! You are such a great asset to the Riley Family and the South Plainfield District. It is a pleasure working with you both! Continue to shine bright like Rockstars!
over 1 year ago, Riley Elementary School
Principal DuPiche & Mrs. Brittany Scott
Principal DuPiche & Mrs. Jessica Butrico
JOB WELL DONE Riley Student Council! The Riley Elementary Student Council Members gave a wonderful presentation of "What's Going On At Riley Elementary School?" at the Board of Education Meeting last night. The students shared several pictures, events and lesson activities students are experiencing and engaged in. These included creating and observing the effects of water and erosion, making applesauce after reading and learning about Johnny Appleseed, wearing pink on "PINK OUT FRIDAY" to bring awareness to Breast Cancer Month, and having special guests like Firefighter Dad, Mr. Kirkland, who taught kindergarten students about the importance of fire safety. The students also shared how they were excited to have the assembly with former pro AFL Football Player, Dewayne West, was able to have their annual Halloween Parade and festivities. Lastly, the students included photos of the Veterans Day Assembly Ceremony and how they look forward to watching Bedtime Story with Mrs. DuPiche every month. Thank you to the Riley Student Council Members and the parents for your continued support. Continue to shine bright like a diamond! Please enjoy the pictures below. The Student Council Members and their parents standing behind them from left to right: Valeria Zapata Hernandez (Representative), Cameron Budhan (Secretary), Jayden Brown (Vice-President), Samantha Catalonotti (President) and Carter Franciscus (Representative). Student Council Representatives Amanda Van Der Werf and Taylor Sollacio were also in attendance.
over 1 year ago, Riley Elementary School
Student Council Members and their parents (from left to right): Valeria Zapata Hernandez, Cameron Budhan, Jayden Brown, Samantha Catalonotti and Carter Franciscus.
Student Council Members with Principal DuPiche and Superintendent, Dr. Tansey (from left to right): Principal Mrs. DuPiche, Representative Valeria Zapata Hernandez, President-Samantha Catalonotti, Representative Carter Franciscus, Secretary - Cameron Budhan, Vice-President - Jayden Brown and Superintendent Dr. Tansey
Firefighter Dad, Mr. Curtis Kirland and Mrs. Publik's Kindergarten Class Learning about Fire Safety
Abriel making applesauce in Mrs. Gaster's 1st Grade Class.