About South Plainfield Schools

The citizens of South Plainfield are very proud of their community and would like to assist you in learning more about our origins, organizations, and what it means to live in this great town. We have arranged a sampling of links to other websites that will provide you with further information about the borough of South Plainfield. This list is by no means complete nor did we purposefully intend to omit any particular group. Sit back and get to know us!

History of South Plainfield

South Plainfield's official origin dates back to its incorporation in 1926 but the social and historical beginnings go back much further than that. Click on this link which will reroute you to the borough website for a brief look at the history of South Plainfield.

Statistical Data

South Plainfield is an 8 and ½ square mile borough located on the northern edge of Middlesex County. It is home to a diverse population of roughly 23,000 people from various ethnic and religious backgrounds. Click on this link to view the statistical analysis of South Plainfield:

South Plainfield Government

Local - South Plainfield is governed by a Mayor and a Borough Council. The Mayor serves a four-year term and each of the six council members serves staggered three-year terms.

Mayor and Council

State - South Plainfield belongs to the 18 th Legislative District:

New Jersey Legislature

Federal - South Plainfield belongs to the 7 th Congressional District of the State of New Jersey:

United States Senate

United States House of Representatives

Emergency Services

The citizens of South Plainfield are well protected and served by a professional police department and highly dedicated and caring members of a volunteer fire department and volunteer rescue squad.

Recreational Programs

There are many sports and recreational activities offered to the children of South Plainfield (not including those offered in the Middle and High Schools).

Community Programs

The people of South Plainfield are extremely patriotic and civic minded. Here are a sampling of the many civic organizations throughout town: