Dr. Goman, Grant School Principal. rgoman@spboe.org  908-754-4620 x3610 

Mr. McCann, Grant School Assistant Principal. kmccann@spboe.org 908-754-4620 x3611 

------------ -Please send your child to school with water everyday. Grant School now has bottle filling stations for students to refill their water bottles.

Grant School Orientation Powerpoint

Daily Announcements

Click here for -Announcements

This month the Counseling Department is working with all 5th and 6th graders on career exploration. Through the New Jersey Career Assistance Navigator, students are taking an interest inventory and exploring career options based on their interests. Students can continue to use this free resource at home (https://portal.njcis.intocareers.org/).  

Dear 6th Grade Students and Parents/Guardians, 

We will be holding a virtual 7th Grade Orientation Meeting on Thursday, May 23rd at 6:00 p.m.

This meeting is for students and parents of students that will be entering the 7th Grade at the South Plainfield Middle School in September of 2024.

For you to attend the orientation meeting you will need to register for it. Please click on this link and it will walk you through the registration process.  

Click here to register for 7th Grade Orientation Meeting

Thank you,

Leo Whalen, 

Principal – South Plainfield Middle School

7th Grade Parent Orientation 2024.pdf

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-When the weather cooperates students will eat lunch and have recess outside. On inclement days, students will eat in the cafeteria. The gym is not big enough to accommodate recess for every student during lunch. The lunch room advisors will rotate which students go to the back of the gym for recess and which students play board games at the tables. If you have any questions, please contact me (rgoman@spboe.org). Students are allowed to change lunch tables up until Friday, September 15th. After that date, the student will be in that assigned seat for lunch.  If your child is having trouble finding a friend in lunch please email Mrs. Horn, Guidance Counselor, ahorn@spboe.org . Grant School can help with this!

-Please note that Mrs. DeValle, School Nurse, will speak with the cafeteria staff regarding allergies. It will be explained to your student that there is a peanut-free table. But students with peanut allergies do not have to sit there if they do not want to.  No peanuts allowed at that table. They may choose to sit there if they wish. 

-Please note that the guidance department trained all students on our HIB policy, the availability of the Safe Room & Calming Room, & the Social Emotional Support that is available here at Grant School.


Spanish Version:

Important Letter from Grant School Nurse

Letter from Mrs. DelValle.pdf 

 If your child requires medication to be given during school hours next school year, please print the appropriate forms, have your child’s physician complete them, and bring the physician forms, the parent authorization form, and the medication by the first day of school in September.  Please note: all medication must be labeled with your child’s name, and medication cannot be sent to or from school with the student.

New forms and physician orders must be submitted each school year.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school nurse:

Tina Delvalle, School Nurse

Phone: (908) 754-4620 x3620

Confidential Fax: (908) 777-7803 

Email: tdelvalle@spboe.org

----------  ----------
-Letter from Grant School Nurse to 5th grade parents/guardians:
Scoliosis Screening.pdf
-Immunization Letter for 5th grade students that will be 6th grade students next school year:

6th grade immunizations.pdf

6th Grade Immunizations (Spanish).pdf



Dr. Goman, Principal- rgoman@spboe.org  (908) 754-4620 ext. 3610

Mr. McCann, Assistant Principal- kmccann@spboe.org  (908) 754-4620 ext. 3611

Mrs. Mercier, Secretary- dmercier@spboe.org (908) 754-4620 ext. 3601

Mrs. Ranger, Secretary (Attendance)- dranger@spboe.org  (908) 754-4620 ext. 3602