Grant School: Click here to see our student council's sneaker fundraiser video.
almost 2 years ago, Robert Goman
Grant School: Congratulations to our Students of the Month for December!
about 2 years ago, Robert Goman
Student of the Month
Grant School: Congratulations to our tiger buck winners of the week!
about 2 years ago, Robert Goman
Tiger Buck Winners
Grant School: Congratulations to our last tiger buck winners of 2022!
about 2 years ago, Robert Goman
Tiger buck winners
Grant School: Tiger buck winners of the week. Congratulations!
about 2 years ago, Robert Goman
Tiger buck winners
Grant School: Ms. Gross' 6th grade social studies classes presented their projects on the Paleolithic Era.
about 2 years ago, Robert Goman
social studies
SS class
Grant School student council has been working closely with the South Plainfield Senior Center this holiday season. The students had a blast decorating the senior center for the holidays. They also made over 100 festive placemats and decorated over 100 cookies for the Senior Center Holiday party. The students are learning about giving back to their community and having fun in the process.
about 2 years ago, Robert Goman
Student Council 1
Student council 2
student council 3
Grant School: G&T students completed a 10 minute STEM challenge in which they had to build the tallest structure possible using 20 keva planks.
about 2 years ago, Robert Goman
G&T STEM challenge
Grant School: Congratulations to our tiger buck winners of the week!
about 2 years ago, Robert Goman
Tiger buck winners
Grant School: The student council and peer leaders packed up and delivered their "backpacks for vets" with all the donations brought in by students.
about 2 years ago, Robert Goman
Backpacks for Vets
Grant School: Congratulations to our students of the month for November!
about 2 years ago, Robert Goman
Students of the month
Grant School: Congratulations to our "Tiger Buck" winners of the week!
about 2 years ago, Robert Goman
Tiger buck winners
Grant School: Congratulations to our tiger buck winners of the week!
about 2 years ago, Robert Goman
Tiger buck winners
Grant School: Fun in the library; October book raffle winners and recess at the library!
about 2 years ago, Robert Goman
October raffle
Recess at the library
Congratulations to our Students of the Month as well as or first "Tiger Buck" winners of the week!
about 2 years ago, Robert Goman
Student of the Month
Tiger buck winners
Grant School: Students learned in Spanish class about "EL Dia de los Muertos" and how it is celebrated in Mexico and Guatemala.
about 2 years ago, Robert Goman
Spanish class
Spanish class
Spanish class
Spanish class
Grant School: Thank you to Mr. Orfan for hosting Character Education Jeopardy as well as our teachers who participated in the teacher challenges.
about 2 years ago, Robert Goman
Character Education Jeopardy
Character Education Jeopardy
Character Education Jeopardy
Grant School: Stem classes are busy designing and building with engineering kits.
over 2 years ago, Robert Goman
Stem Class
Stem class
Grant School: The Multicultural Club is underway practicing for their performance at the Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration, Saturday October 8, in Willow Park.
over 2 years ago, Robert Goman
Multicultural Club
Grant School's student council representative, Olivia Rennie, getting ready to give today's morning announcements.
over 2 years ago, Robert Goman
Morning Annoucements