Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Holiday to All!

Hello Riley Families!

Thanksgiving is a tradition that most of us celebrate every year. But, I believe Thanksgiving becomes a lifestyle that commands us to reflect, evaluate and focus on the many gifts and blessings we have. Let us not complain and focus on the negative, blames or blemishes. Instead, focus and be thankful for everything and everyone that puts a smile on your face, makes you laugh on a regular, fills your cup and bucket and brings you joy. The world can wait and seize for a day of gossip, bad news, violence, uncertainty, division, entitlement, discontent and other issues we prefer not to hear about. So, let's not take anything for granted. Instead, embrace every moment and take advantage of the quality time you have been given because some cannot.

I thank you for your continued support and I am greatly appreciative for your patience and encouragement. I am honored and blessed to have you in my life and be a part of the Riley Family. May your Thanksgiving be full of good times and your stomach be filled with good food. 

Mrs. T. Grier-DuPiche